“A team of committed professionals that will work together to provide the best possible health care for our patients”.
Information for new patients
Kia ora, welcome from all the team at Dunedin North Medical Centre. It is the aim of Dunedin North Medical Centre to provide primary medical and nursing care to patients regardless of age, gender, ethnic, or cultural background.
We hope you will find us welcoming and will feel confident to approach us whatever your concern is.
I am enrolling with Doctor: | |
My first appointment is with Doctor: | |
My first appointment date and time: |
If you call our phone numbers outside our open hours, your will hear a message about alternative options for care.
18 Filleul Street, Dunedin, Phone: 03 479 2900
Open every day 8:00am –10:00pm. People are seen on a first come basis.
Priority is given to cases requiring urgency.
No appointment is needed but you won’t get to see your own doctor.
Main concourse, Dunedin Hospital, 201 Great King Street, Dunedin
Phone: 474 0999
Open 24 hours per day 365 days per year for emergency treatment.
For minor illness or injuries patients should first visit their own doctor or Dunedin Urgent Doctors as above.
This is a free telephone health information service for all the family. Its staffed by registered nurses who will assess health needs, and give information and advice to help you decide on the best level of care.
If you are experiencing severe chest pain, extreme difficulty breathing, major bleeding or any other urgent condition, please phone an ambulance on 111.
Doctors: | Dr Tim Bolter | |
Dr Craig Pelvin | ||
Dr Marie Neylon | ||
Dr Daniel Pettigrew | ||
Dr Victoria Taylor | ||
Dr Oriagh Fox – Associate Doctor | ||
Dr Claire Handley – Associate Doctor | ||
Dr Anar Khan – Associate Doctor | ||
Dr Ami Nukada – Associate Doctor | ||
Dr Mark Bevin – Associate Doctor | ||
Nurses: | Theresa Hurring | Lead Nurse |
Lynette Robinson | Registered Nurse | |
Martina Kelly | Registered Nurse | |
Hannah Jones | Registered Nurse | |
Holly Tisdall | Registered Nurse | |
Debbie Bush | Enrolled Nurse | |
Administration: | Ali Barbara | Practice Manager |
Litia Buller | Health Care Assistant | |
Russell Hurring | Administration & Reception | |
Heather Merry | Reception | |
Amanda Harwood | Reception | |
Juliette Schenk | Reception | |
Hanna Lorenz | Reception |
Preventative health care | General illness and accident care |
Child health | Acupuncture |
ECGs | Diabetes reviews |
Lifestyle advice | Driving licence medicals |
Mental health | Flu vaccinations |
Sexual health checks | Men’s health |
Sports medicine | Minor surgery |
Women’s health | Skin check clinic |
24 hour blood pressure monitoring | Travel consultations/Yellow Fever prescribing |
Blood pressure checks | Cardiovascular risk assessments |
Cervical screening (½ hour appointment) | Diabetic review |
Results | Lifestyle consultations (½ hour appointment) |
Immunisations & Vaccinations | Repeat prescription requests (please allow 48hrs notice to prepare prescriptions) |
Employment drug testing |
Some consultations need longer appointments, often with the doctor and the nurse. Please let reception know when booking the appointment so the appropriate appointment time can be allowed if your appointment is for any of these:
· First appointment as new patient | · Multiple or complex matters |
· Driver license medical | · Childhood immunisation |
· Diabetes review | · Defence Force medicals |
· Life insurance | · Minor surgery |
· Travel consultation | · Employment or sports medicals |
Consultation | Without CSC | With CSC | ACC Surcharge | Without CSC | With CSC | |
Under 14 years | FREE | FREE | Under 14 years | FREE | FREE | |
14 – 17 years | $40.00 * | $13.00 | 14 – 17 years | $40.00 * | $13.00 | |
18 – 24 years | $65.00 * | $19.50 | 18 – 24 years | $65.00 * | $19.50 | |
25 – 64 years | $65.00 * | $19.50 | 25 – 64 years | $65.00 * | $19.50 | |
65+ | $65.00 * | $19.50 | 65+ | $65.00 * | $19.50 |
Fees marked * are discounted $5.00 if paid on the day.
(Longer appointments may cost more.)
Prescriptions – collected – $19.00, sent to pharmacy – $18.00, same day – $23.00
Are available to all patients if needed. Please let the person booking your appointment know if an interpreter is needed.
Available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Appointments are necessary.
Unless you have been told otherwise when routine procedures and tests are ordered for you, please phone the nurse for your results if you have not been contacted within 48 hours, or access them via our patient portal.
Phone the nurse in a month if you have not received an appointment from hospital or specialist so she can follow up on your referral.
For patients with mobility difficulties we have an access toilet located on the car park side of the building. Ramp access to the building is from the car park.
In New Zealand children up to age 6 years are eligible for free immunisations. To help us establish what vaccinations your child needs it is helpful if you provide us with any records of previous immunisations they have had either here or overseas. To enable our nurses to have this information up to date on our computer system please bring any vaccination records to the medical centre soon after you enrol. We are happy to make a copy so you don’t need to leave originals with us. Please speak to a nurse for more information or if you have any questions about childhood immunisations
We offer a secure online patient portal for requesting repeat prescriptions and viewing some test results. Reception can register you for that.
It is our policy that informed consent must be obtained from the patient for each proposed treatment or procedure without pressure, harassment or coercion. All verbal and written consent will be recorded. Patient consent will be obtained prior to medical or nursing student’s involvement with any observation, assessment, treatment, or evaluation.
To ‘enrol’ is choosing to register as a regular patient with one medical centre. Your doctors visits are subsidised by the government at the medical centre you choose to enrol with. Therefore if you visit a doctor in a medical centre where you are not enrolled it will be more expensive.
In order to enrol with Dunedin North Medical Centre you must meet the Ministry of Health’s eligibility criteria. Please check with a reception staff member to find out if you are eligible for government funded healthcare in New Zealand. If you are not eligible for government funded health care we can still register you as a regular patient but we cannot enrol you and therefore the full cost of the visit is to be met by you, the patient.
The benefits of enrolling with one medical centre include receiving on-going care with one doctor (or doctors who work together) and consultations at a reduced rate making health care more accessible. You will also receive the benefits of being enrolled in the WellSouth Primary Health Organisation (PHO) such as access to free or subsidised health programmes.
Dunedin North Medical Centre is a member of the WellSouth Primary Health Organisation (PHO). By enrolling with us you are also enrolling with the WellSouth PHO. The PHO receives funding from the government which it distributes to medical centres to subsidise consultations and other services for enrolled patients.
To enrol with Dunedin North Medical Centre we require you to provide photographic identification and complete a multi-sided enrolment form. We may also require proof of your eligibility for government funded healthcare, usually by sighting your passport and/or visa. Payment of an administration fee, $14.00 per person (maximum $56.00 for families), at the time of enrolment is required to initiate the process.
Full payment for services is required on the day of service unless otherwise agreed.
More detailed information: Patient Terms and Conditions of Trade
New patients are required to pay for their first appointment prior to being seen.
Payment can be made by cash, Eftpos or internet banking. Our bank account details are available from reception for direct credit payments, automatic payments by instalment or Internet banking.
Credit card payments cannot be accepted.
Any fees incurred in the debt collection process are the responsibility of the debtor.
By signing the enrolment form and enrolling at Dunedin North Medical Centre I understand the following as I have chosen Dunedin North Medical Centre (DNMC) as my regular and ongoing provider of general practice/GP/health care services:
Access to my health information – I have the right to access (and have corrected) my health information under Rules 6 and 7 of the Health Information Privacy Code 2020.
Visiting another GP – If I visit another GP outside of DNMC, who is not my regular doctor, I will be asked for permission to share information from the visit with my regular doctor or practice.
If I am under six years old or have a High User Health Card, or a Community Services Card, and I visit another GP outside of DNMC who is not my regular doctor, he/she can make a claim for a subsidy, and the practice I am enrolled in will be informed of the date of that visit. The name of the practice I visited and the reason(s) for the visit will not be disclosed unless I give my consent.
Patient Enrolment Information – The information I have provided on the Practice Enrolment Form will be:
Health Information – Members of my health team may:
Audit – In the case of financial audits, my health information may be reviewed by an auditor for checking a financial claim made by the practice, but only according to the terms and conditions of section 22G of the Health Act 1956 (or any subsequent applicable Act). I may be contacted by the auditor to check that services have been received. If the audit involves checking on health matters, an appropriately qualified health care practitioner will view the health records.
Health Programmes – Health data relevant to a programme in which I am enrolled (e.g. Breast Screening, Immunisation, Diabetes) may be sent to the PHO or the external health agency managing this programme.
Other Uses of Health Information – Health information which will not include my name but may include my National Health Index Identifier (NHI) may be used by health agencies such as the District Health Board, Ministry of Health or PHO for the following purposes, as long as it is not used or published in a way that can identify me:
Research – My health information may be used for health research, but only if this has been approved by an Ethics Committee and will not be used or published in a way that can identify me.
Except as listed above, I understand that details about my health status or the services I have received will remain confidential within the medical practice unless I give specific consent for this information to be communicated.
Health Information to Private Insurers – I understand that where the cost of service(s) by my doctor/nurse have been, or will be claimed from a private health insurer that DNMC may be required to provide the insurer with details of the consultation(s) and/or procedure(s) relating to the claim(s) if so requested by the insurer. I hereby consent to DNMC providing this information to such private health insurers.
Email and Text Messaging – By consenting to DNMC emailing or texting any information, you accept full responsibility for logical and physical security of your email and text system, and for notifying us of changes to your email address or mobile phone number. Consequently, DNMC disclaim any responsibility or liability and you agree to indemnify us for unauthorised access to your email or text messages or unauthorised viewing of information sent by us. By signing the Dunedin North Medical Centre enrolment form, you are acknowledging your responsibilities.
You authorise us to:
You acknowledge that:
When you use a health or disability service in New Zealand, you have the protection of a Code of Rights.
The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights (the Code) establishes the rights of consumers, and the obligations and duties of providers to comply with the Code. It is a regulation under the Health and Disability Commissioner Act. There is a link to the Code on the Dunedin North Medical Centre web page:
The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights provides the following 10 rights:
Right 1: The right to be treated with respect.
Right 2: The right to freedom from discrimination, coercion, harassment, and exploitation.
Right 3: The right to dignity and independence.
Right 4: The right to services of an appropriate standard.
Right 5: The right to effective communication.
Right 6: The right to be fully informed.
Right 7: The right to make an informed choice and give informed consent.
Right 8: The right to support.
Right 9: Rights in respect of teaching or research.
Right 10: The right to complain.
Type this link into your web browser for more information:
We treat complaints seriously and respond promptly and fairly. Every complaint is an opportunity to look carefully at how we do things and to see if we can improve the way we provide health care. We aim to achieve a mutually satisfactory conclusion and, where appropriate, take action to ensure the situation does not arise again. It is helpful if complaints are received as soon as possible after the event.
Will my treatment be affected? No. The complaint process is confidential. We do require details so that we may investigate a matter fully.
How do I complain? If you are unhappy about how you were treated, you may take your concerns directly to the person who provided the service to you. If you are still not satisfied or you do not feel; able to talk to them, you may talk to or write a letter to the person responsible for overseeing satisfactory resolution of complaints (the Complaints Officer) in this practice. Our complaints Officer is Ali Barbara (Practice Manager).
What happens then? The Complaints Officer will thoroughly assess the complaint, decide what actions need to be taken and communicate with you on how best to resolve the issue.
Where else can I complain to? Everyone using a health or disability service has the protection of the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights and the Health Information Privacy Code. A copy of the Code of Rights is available for you on request or at:
Where the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights is breached: | The Health and Disability Commissioner
PO Box 1791, Auckland, 1140 Phone: 0800 11 22 33 |
Where privacy is breached: | The Privacy Commissioner
PO Box 466, Auckland, 1140 Phone: 0800 803 909 |
Advocacy: If you want support to complain there is a free advocacy service to help you: