HealthOne stores health information such as GP records, allergies, prescribed medications and test results. Only authorised healthcare providers such as doctors, nurses and pharmacists can access that information at their place of work.
Sharing health information means:
- better, safer care
- more complete health information about you is available to your care team
- you and your healthcare provider are able to make more informed decisions about your care
- we are not relying on you to remember your medical history and the prescribed medicines you take
- we waste less of your time – you only need to provide information once and because your results are in HealthOne, we don’t need to repeat tests or investigations such as blood tests, x-rays or scans.
Your health information is only available to your care team, no one else.
Your health information is confidential and checks are in place to monitor who has accessed your records and why.
You can choose not to share your information
You can request that specific parts of your information are not shared, or opt off altogether so that none of it is shared by:
- telling your healthcare provider during your visit or consultation
- telling your pharmacist when you get your prescription filled
- calling freephone 0508 837 872 (0508 TESTSAFE)
- emailing
If you choose not to share your information
If you opt off HealthOne, health professionals caring for you may not immediately have information they need to provide the best and safest care possible. If you are thinking of opting off, please discuss your options with your healthcare provider or the person you speak to when you call the freephone number.
For more information visit or phone 0508 837 872 (0508 TESTSAFE)