After Hours Care

In the case of an emergency please phone 111

Our doctors are in the pool of doctors who staff the Dunedin Urgent Doctors and Accident Centre providing after hours care for our patients. Do not hesitate to contact them if you need assistance when we are closed. Their contact number is listed below, or alternatively you can walk in and wait for the next available appointment.

Dunedin Urgent Doctors & Accident Centre

18 Filleul Street, Dunedin
Open hours: 8.00am – 10.00pm – 7 days a week
Phone: (03) 479 2900

Health Line

Free, 24 hour phone advice service which can be contacted at: 0800 611 116

Dunedin Hospital Accident and Emergency

24 hour service for all injuries or illnesses that need urgent care.
Phone: (03) 474 0999
201 Great King Street, Dunedin