Please use the table below as a guide to the fees you can expect to pay when visiting Dunedin North Medical Centre.
Fees may vary from those listed at the doctor’s discretion, and depending on the services received.
Missed appointments without notice may be charged.
Standard 15 minute consultation fees for enrolled patients
Health Consultation
Without CSC
With CSC
Under 14 years |
14 – 17 years |
18 – 24 years |
25 – 64 years |
65+ |
CASUAL VISIT Up to $107.00
Standard 15 minute ACC consultation fees for enrolled patients
ACC Surcharge
Without CSC
With CSC
Under 14 years |
14 – 17 years |
18 – 24 years |
25 – 64 years |
65+ |
CASUAL ACC VISIT Up to $107.00
Further information about fees for CSC (Community Services Card) holders below.
Payment Policy
ALL fees are to be paid in full on the day of service.
Options for payment include:
- Cash or Eftpos, (contactless payment available with a surcharge)
- Online Banking: Account number – ASB 12 3196 0020006 00
- Telephone banking
- Direct debit payments – weekly or fortnightly installments by arrangement
For online and telephone banking please provide the family name, initials & chart number of the patient.
Fees not paid on the day, including prescription costs, will incur a $5 surcharge if a payment reminder is needed.
If paying fees is a problem for you, please speak to Reception Staff or the Practice Manager.
For more information about Dunedin North Medical Centre Terms and Conditions of Trade please visit: Patient Terms and Conditions of Trade
Costs incurred in debt recovery will be the responsibility of the debtor.
Fees for Community Service Card holders
Government funding has allowed us to make visits to our doctors more affordable for you, your family and whanau.
This funding means that:
- People with a Community Services Card (CSC) and their dependants aged 14 to 17 years who are enrolled with
us will pay less for consultations with their doctor.
- All children aged 13 and under enrolled with us will have free consultations with their doctor.
Higher fees for extended consultations, procedures and extra services, such as certificates or equipment, may still be charged.
Find out about Community Service Cards at: or call 0800 999 999.